How to decrease your immunity: 6 easy steps to weaken your immune system

Are you tired of feeling good all the time? Is your immune system frustratingly effective?  Does good health stalk you in your nightmares?  When sickness is your goal it can be frustrating to see articles touting that that even mundane things like laughing or picking your nose can help your immune system.  The good news…

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The link between neck pain and meningitis

Spinal meningitis is a life-threatening condition that often causes neck stiffness or pain.  A fever and headache are other common symptoms.  Because of the neck stiffness and headaches, those infected with meningitis may find their way to a chiropractic office. A chiropractic office is the wrong place for someone with spinal meningitis.  If you, or…

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The Brief Guide to Neck Pain

What causes neck pain, and the first step to stopping it Neck pain can have many causes, ranging strained muscles from working out too hard, arthritis, bulging discs, or even from diseases like meningitis. Some causes are much more common and more likely.  When determining how to help neck pain, the most important step is…

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Balance and Neuropathy: Loss of balance getting you down?

Neuropathy and Balance Neuropathy decreases your sense of balance.  With less feeling in your feet and weaker muscles, you are more likely to fall.  Not only is falling not enjoyable for most people, according to the CDC 1 in 5 falls result in serious injury.  In face “Over 800,000 patients a year are hospitalized because…

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How arthritis ruins your day, and 5 things you can do about it.

If you have chronic, undiagnosed joint pain the most likely culprit is arthritis. The CDC estimated that 22.7% of adults have already been diagnosed with arthritis!  The most common locations for arthritis are the spine, the hips, the knees, and the hands. Arthritis is more painful when affected joints move.  That means when you work,…

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7 Mistakes

The Top 7 Car Injury Mistakes Which Often Leads to a Permanent Injury and May Limit Your Car Injury Claim! Free 7 Part Car Injury Special Part 1: A private consultation. Part 2: A range of motion examination. Part 3: A complete orthopedic examination. Part 4: A muscle examination. Part 5: A neurological examination. Part…

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