Auto Injury Relief


I’ve been in an auto crash, what do I do?

Being in an auto crash is never easy, especially if it wasn’t your fault. It can be difficult to know what to do or how to seek help for your injuries. We are here to help you.

After an auto injury, you may have pain in the neck, back, shoulders, hips, knee, headaches, dizziness, or other problems. The pain is likely to interrupt your sleep, make work or home life difficult, prevent your from participating in your normal social activities, and even scare you every time you get in the car again after the injury, sometimes for years.

The injuries sustained in auto crashes can range from minor to very severe and are often debilitating. To complicate the situation even more, some of your symptoms may not even show up for 1-2 weeks after your injury. There are a few things to keep in mind after you have a crash:

Immediately after the crash

After the crash, it is normal to feel a little stunned or disoriented. When you regain your bearings try to document as much as you can. Take pictures of your vehicle, the other vehicle, anything damaged in the area, and the other person’s driver’s license and insurance information.

If you have any visible injuries such as bruises, cuts, scrapes, swelling, or if you are bleeding, have someone take pictures of that too. If you feel well enough, you can go home. If you feel like you may have a more severe injury, if your pain is intense enough to need medicine, or if the paramedics recommend going to the emergency room, it is okay to seek treatment at the hospital.

Either way, call us as soon as you are able to schedule an appointment to begin treatment for your injuries. The sooner you begin treatment, the faster you are likely to recover. Often, we can get you in the same day or the next day. We have 5 locations to serve you. Battle Ground, East Vancouver, Gresham, Hazel Dell and Woodland.

It is also important to call your insurance company as soon as possible to report the crash. Describe in detail the crash and what you were doing just before and just after the accident. Answer whatever questions the insurance adjuster has to the best of your ability.

What will treatment be like?

Treatment after an auto crash will vary depending on the nature of your injuries and how severe they are. Each patient also responds differently, so you may not need the same treatment that other patients require. Your treatment will also be dependent on what phase of healing you are in at the time of your visit. There are many options available to help get you out of pain and back to full function after an auto crash. After a thorough exam and history of your crash, your chiropractic doctor will design a plan specific to you and what your body needs to heal. They may recommend adjustments, traction therapy, exercise therapy, therapeutic massage and cold laser treatment. They may refer you to one of our Injury Specialists also located at each of our 5 clinics. They can provide a secondary medical opinion exam including diagnostic testing such as ultrasound imaging if needed. This helps support and strengthen your case. Our specialists may recommend TPI (trigger point injections) that relax the muscles as well as other advanced therapies which stimulate the healing and recovery process.

Top 3 Auto Injury Patient Services

Treatments to Relieve Auto Injury

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The short answer to this question is that it depends. You are not required to get an attorney with any auto crash, but for many they can make life a lot easier. When it comes to auto crashes, attorneys have one purpose – take the burden of dealing with insurance companies off of you so that you can focus 100% on getting better. If your crash has a lot of complicating factors or if you simply do not want to deal with the insurance companies anymore, then an attorney is a great idea. If you want an attorney but do not know who to go to, let us know. We know several great attorneys we have worked with in the past and feel confident recommending to our patients. If you do not want an attorney, that is okay too. Our focus will always be on getting you back to health as much as your body will allow as quickly as possible whether you choose to have an attorney or not.


After a crash you may get frequent calls or letters from an insurance company urging you to settle the claim and be done. This can be very frustrating! While you may want to be done and move forward with your life, it is very important that you do not agree to a settlement or cash any settlement check before you are completely finished with care. You should always wait to settle until you have received a medical release note from every provider who is treating you for the crash. The medical release note simply states that you have completed care and are either fully back to health or the remaining injuries are permanent. If you settle before getting this release, you may have complications or relapses that will no longer be covered by your claim. If you have any questions about settling your claim, speak with your doctor. If you have an attorney, you should speak with them first as well.

When to Settle Your Injury Claim

How Auto Injuries Compensated