Carpal Tunnel Relief


Carpal tunnel syndrome is the result of median nerve impingement and irritation. There are two common locations where this irritation occurs – in the wrist (true carpal tunnel syndrome) and further up in the forearm (pronator teres syndrome). The source of the irritation is important, because it will dictate the best course for treatment to get you out of pain and back to full function.

Our chiropractic doctors are trained to find and identify the source of irritation for your carpal tunnel symptoms. Relief can happen with the right treatment. If you have been diagnosed or have symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, call today to begin the path to feeling better.


True carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by an irritation of the median nerve as it passes through the wrist at an area known as the carpal tunnel. Along with the median nerve, there are several tendons that pass through the carpal tunnel and into the hand. Over time and with repetitive movements of the fingers and wrist, scar tissue starts to develop in the carpal tunnel and the nerve can become irritated. When the nerve is irritated it causes symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, primarily in the first three fingers (thumb, pointer finger, and middle finger) of the hand.

This condition can be problematic and will limit your ability to perform activities with the affected hand. We see carpal tunnel syndrome most often in people who are required to do frequent, repetitive movements with the fingers, such as an office worker or secretary that performs a lot of typing


The symptoms of pronator teres syndrome are identical to those of carpal tunnel syndrome. The difference is the location of the nerve impingement. With pronator teres syndrome, the median nerve is pinched and irritated in the upper forearm where a muscle called the pronator teres passes over the nerve. The pronator teres helps you turn your hand from palm up to palm down.

When this muscle is overly tight, it pinches on the nerve below it and causes the symptoms of pain, tingling, numbness, and weakness in the hand. Just as with carpal tunnel syndrome, pronator teres syndrome is a repetitive overuse problem in which frequent movements cause irritation and scarring. With the right treatment, the scar tissue can be better aligned and strengthened to prevent pain and other symptoms of median nerve irritation.

Common Cause Carpal Tunnel

Treatments to Relieve Carpal Tunnel